Ambrose Wilkinson
325 w 82nd St apt 2, New York, NY 10024
Hiring Manager
Dow Jones
1211 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036
Dear Hiring Manager:
I am Ambrose Wilkinson, a sophomore at the City College of New York majoring in computer science. I’m writing to interview for the 2025 Summer software engineer internship. Dow Jones’ story of innovation and growth has attracted me because I’m driven by the same desire to continually grow and improve. I believe that I can bring full-stack experience with JavaScript and React to the table as well as creativity and strong communication skills.
I’ve built numerous full-stack applications with JavaScript both as a part of teams and alone. One project that I collaborated with others to create was Let’s Eat, a restaurant randomizer using HTML5, JavaScript, Yelp API, Google Maps, Bulma, and Axios. While contributing to every aspect of the app, I took the lead on fixing CORS errors that prevented the app from fetching data from Yelp API. If you’d like to learn more about the project, please refer to my resume where the GitHub repo is posted.
On group projects as well as personal I’ve found that Git is a great form of version control. I used it extensively on a solo project, Unique Wares, where I created an E-commerce app using JavaScript, React, Node.js, MongoDB, and Tailwind. Here I was able to reinforce my understanding of CSS Flexbox and React while also learning Tailwind to create a fluid user interface.
While having worked on both group and individual projects in the past, I’d also like to mention my experience working in hospitality, which has led to strong communication skills. I’ve had to communicate with coworkers and clients in both verbal and nonverbal ways to ensure clarity given busy environments. While doing so I’ve maintained a cool and confident demeanor, contributing over $2,000 in sales revenue each night.
With my experience creating full-stack projects using JavaScript and React, as well as the communication skills I’ve built in the hospitality industry, I’d like to interview for the 2025 Summer software engineer internship. Please refer to my resume for greater depth on some of the points that I’ve highlighted above. I look forward to interviewing in the future and can be reached at 207.451.5536 or [email protected] to set up the interview.
Ambrose Wilkinson